In den letzten Tagen erreichte Frau Mag.Dr. Seebacher, Mitglied des
Rokitansky-Projektteams der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften,
folgendes Mail, das wir der Lebendigkeit halber den Interessierten gerne
mitteilen - und das auf die genannte Jubiläumsveranstaltung zu Ehren Carl von
Roktanskys in Königgrätz - Hradec Kralove, Republik Tschechien, am 3. März
2004 hinweist.
Weiter unten findet sich der daran anschließende Schriftverkehr mit Fotos
der Organisatoren Doctora Prochazkova und Professor emeritus Stefan, beide
Karlsuniversität Prag - Verbindungen über Grenzen hinweg, wenn das immer so
leicht und angenehm wie hier möglich wäre!
Dear Mgr. Seebacher,
I am Olga Prochazkova, an anatomist from Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove, Charles University. I am organizing under the auspices of the dean of Faculty, major of Hradec Kralove and Purkyne society at our faculty on 3.3. a meeting of academy community to worship Birthday Anniversary of Carl von Rokitansky, born in our city. Together with the Exhibition about Carl
von Rokitansky. The main contributor will be Professor Emeritus of Charles University MUDr. Hviezdoslav Stefan, DrSc., distinguished surgeon and historiographer of Rokitansky (wrote a book about Rokitansky 50 years ago).
Professor Stefan in spite of his age (born in 1920) still operates and is involved in the Academic life. Yesterday we have obtained the Programme of Wien Jubleaumsveranstaltungen zum 200. Geburtstag from
Prof. Steiner, who is an invited speaker in the programme. We have decided with professor Stefan to join et least the whole first day programme in Akademie,
Wissenschaftliches Symposium und Austellung. The dean of our faculty supports our activity. We will arrive on Thursday 19.2. morning by car and will leave the same day evening. Please, is it convenient and acceptable for organisers? Am I be sure, please, that the demanding journey will be for professor Stefan worthwhile and we both will have the opportunity to join all first day events?
We also hope to gain maximum information and material for the Rokitansly exhibition at the Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove and transfer especially for the sake of our students to make the great European Rokitansky alive.
With best wishes and regards
Olga Prochazkova, M.D.
Department of Anatomy,
Medical School,
Charles University,
Šimkova 870,500 01 Hradec Králové,Czech Republic
Phone: 420 495816414
Mobile 420 604 617 021
Die Fachgruppe Pathologie der Ärztekammer für Wien antwortete:
Doctora Prochazkova,
Group of the Chamber of Physicians in Vienna looks forward to having You here in
Vienna. Don’t hesitate to visit the lectures You want to join. There are no
fees and I’m sure that we will find acceptable places form which You will
follow the lectures in an agreeable way.
Michael Schueller, M.D.
Vice Chairman of the
Pathology Group of the
Chamber of Physicians in Vienna
(Fachgruppe Pathologie der Ärztekammer
für Wien)
I very
much appreciate your attitude and help. Thank you for precious information.
See you in Wien.
Olga Prochazkova
Dr. Prochazkova
Dr. Prochazkova und
Prof. emerit Stefan, Organisatoren der
Rokitansky-Gedenkfeier in Hradec Kralove - Königgrätz (Wien-Besuch am
19. u. 20.2.2004)